How Aésio Mutuelle draws on Worklife's expertise to encourage sustainable mobility
Concerned about environmental and social issues, Aésio Mutuelle has set up a Sustainable Mobility Package with Worklife.
The goal: to reconcile CSR and economic performance
Promoting responsible mobility within Aésio Mutuelle is a priority for Christel Babut, Director of Social Relations and Quality of Life at Work. Through this action, she aims not only to reinforce the company's environmental approach, but also to meet the expectations of employees keen to control their carbon footprint without losing out on quality of life.
Encouraged by the French law on mobility, Christel Babut is keen to implement a low-carbon strategy that aligns new employee habits with the company's economic performance. This ambition has prompted her to turn to the deployment of the Forfait Mobilités Durables.
Worklife’s Sustainable Mobility Package transforms our habits, steering us towards greater eco-responsibility. Employees don’t need to pay upfront or hang onto expense receipts.
Christel Babut
The solution: Worklife's Sustainable Mobility Package
To support Aésio Mutuelle's transition to a gentler form of mobility, Christel Babut chose Worklife's expertise. The solution enables her to equip the company's 3,000 employees, spread over 50 administrative sites and 280 agencies throughout France.
With the introduction of this benefit, employees have access to a wide choice of transport options and gain in flexibility: car-sharing, public transport or even self-service electric scooters are all eligible for the FMD. With this scheme, they benefit from additional tax-exempt income. For its part, Aésio Mutuelle optimizes its costs by offering an alternative to salary increases, exempt from social security charges.
By offering the Sustainable Mobility Package, we enable our employees to choose the means of transport that suits them best, and to subscribe to sustainable, gentler, greener mobility.
Christel Babut
The result: a winning formula for all stakeholders
The Worklife card works like a traditional Visa payment card. Employees use it to finance purchases related to the use of soft mobility. No more expense advances or receipts to process on the employer's side: the introduction of the FMD saves HR teams management time.
Today, 80% of Aésio Mutuelle's 3,000 employees regularly use the Worklife card. This represents 2,400 people who have changed their mode of transport as part of an eco-responsible approach. A success for the group's objective.