Sustainable Commuting

Sustainable mobility and carpooling package: instructions for use

The sustainable mobility package covers the cost of carpooling to and from work. 700€ tax-free.

Carpooling, organized within the framework of home-work trips, is eligible for the sustainable mobility package. Both the passengers and the driver can benefit from it.

What is carpooling? 

Carpooling is the practice of filling a car with passengers whose departure and arrival points coincide as closely as possible with the driver's route. The carpooling service can be carried out from person to person. Online carpooling sites also help to bring drivers and passengers together and offer rides.

Favoring carpooling for home-work trips

While 70% of home-to-work journeys are made by individual vehicles, most are made by car alone, and it is estimated that only 3% of daily carpooling takes place. This corresponds to 900,000 people carpooling to work every day. 

The government has set an ambitious target of tripling the number of daily carpooling journeys by 2024 to 3 million.

This is equivalent to reducing the number of cars on the road by 1 million per day and reducing daily CO2 emissions by 7,800 t, equivalent, for example, to 2.8 million days of heating a 50 m2 flat.

The positive impacts of carpooling‍

Carpooling is an opportunity to improve the quality of life and meet the challenges of everyday mobility.

for the user :

  • purchasing power: an employee who drives a car and lives 30 km from his or her workplace and who carpools daily with a neighbour or colleague saves almost €2,000 each year,
  • the impact of transport on air quality and CO2 emissions: two people in a car means twice as little pollution,
  • a shared mobility offer where there is no public transport,
  • access to mobility for those who do not have a car/cannot drive,
  • improving the user-friendliness of everyday transport,

but also for the community:

  • congestion relief and parking gains,
  • public cost reductions for communities
  • a reduction in air pollution for metropolises
  • a concrete example of territorial solidarity

Carpooling, a system eligible for the sustainable mobility package

The law on the orientation of mobility (LOM ) promulgated on 24 December 2019 gives an important place to carpooling.

Measures to promote carpooling include the creation of a sustainable mobility package for commuting. According to the enactment of the French Climate and Resilience Act, the FMD allows employers to pay up to €700 per year per employee (€800 if combined with reimbursement of public transport season tickets), free of charges and taxes, to their employees coming to work by carpooling (driver and/or passenger). 

Drivers and passengers who carpool to and from work can request reimbursement from their employer according to the terms and conditions defined by the employer or the terms and conditions negotiated during the Annual Mandatory Negotiations (NAO). 

The sustainable mobility package can be set up either by company (or branch) agreement or by unilateral decision of the employer, after consultation of the Social Economic Committee. 

Which carpoolers can benefit from the sustainable mobility package?

The drivers

Drivers provide a sworn statement detailing the costs incurred for carpools. Carpooling platforms can also provide proof of carpooling for the driver.

The passengers 

Passengers may request reimbursement of contributions to carpooling costs according to the implementation arrangements decided or negotiated by the employer

Hybrid carpoolers 

Hybrid carpoolers (who are sometimes drivers and sometimes passengers) will have to justify each journey according to their role as driver or passenger.

How can I justify carpooling to benefit from the sustainable mobility package?

Carpoolers must present proof of use to be eligible for the sustainable mobility package. In concrete terms, there are several options: 

Declaration of honour

Passengers may provide the company with a declaration on their honour indicating the sums paid to the drivers for participation in the costs incurred. Drivers shall declare the costs incurred in carrying out carpools minus the sums received by passengers as a contribution to the cost of carpooling. 

Public carpooling evidence service available 

The Mobility Organising Authority (MA) has set up a carpooling proof register.

With the Worklife card, no more managing receipts

With the Worklife card, transactions can be tracked and their validity checked according to the company's mobility policy. The card directly detects expenses incurred on one of the carpooling platforms(Blablalines, Ecov, Klaxit, Karos...). The employee pays directly with his Worklife card, he has no more declarations to fill in and the company has no more receipts to manage. Worklife guarantees the use of sustainable mobility by the employees and provides the company with a single monthly certificate for all employees.

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HR Manager,

you've got the card in your hand.

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