Mobility & Car fleet: what strategies for sustainably reducing your carbon footprint?

Since the Paris Agreement signed in 2015 by the member states of the European Union, France has set itself a target of reducing its CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

Acting on our environmental impact is one of our business priorities, not only to meet CSR requirements but also to develop our attractiveness.

What should you do if your business involves company cars?

To mark European Mobility Week 2024, Stéphane Chilton, Head of Sales at Electra, and Benjamin Suchar, co-founder and CEO of Worklife, invite you to fill up on (green) best practices!

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Agenda and issues addressed

🔋 Implementing greener mobility: where to start?

⚡ Implementing electric in your fleets

🚲 Encourage transport diversity to make your employees' commutes greener

Your speakers for this session

Benjamin Suchar


Stéphane Chilton

Head of Sales

HR Manager,


CSR Manager,



HR Manager,

you've got the card in your hand.

Talk to an expert