Study: restaurant vouchers ceiling at €38, restaurant owners' expectations

60% of restaurateurs would like to see the measure extended. However, 97% deplore the high fees charged by issuers.

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Study by the Viavoice Institute for Worklife

Government measures to raise the daily limit on meal vouchers have received a mixed reception. 4 out of 10 restaurant owners surveyed do not want the scheme to be made permanent.

Restaurant owners are critical of meal voucher issuers on three levels:

  • Fees charged by issuers: perceived as too high by almost all of them
  • The level of transparency of commissions: a lack of transparency on the part of issuers for 61% of restaurant owners questioned
  • Payment with meal vouchers: not profitable for more than three-quarters of respondents.

In view of this, Worklife offers a meal voucher service with no commissions for the restaurant owner, with only the standard bank charges being charged to the professionals.

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